Airtight 250x100

Product description

Head insulation in house separating cavity walls. With the Airtight, an airtight as well as a thermal and acoustic seal between building parts is realized surprisingly easily in one operation. The Airtight consists of a vacuumed strip of mineral wool wrapped in a vapor barrier PE-foil. After placing and puncturing the vacuum foil, the wool expands and the Airtight completely fills the entire space.

The realized connection is thermally insulated, airtight and fireproof. The Airtight can be used for variable cavity widths and ensures a guaranteed airtightness of the floors. For an airtight seal of class 3 'passive construction', the mineral wool must be twice as thick as the connection to be closed. The Airtight is light and thin and therefore easy to assemble. It is resistant to all weather influences and after application has a high mechanical resistance and will not be damaged as a result.

The mineral wool is vacuum-sealed for airtight applications. After installation, the mineral wool can expand in a controlled manner by puncturing it to fill the space separating the house between the hollow-core slab floors. The mineral wool base falls into the highest fire class (A1, according to NEN-EN 13501-1). The PE-foil is flame retardant.


  • No internal condensation, thermally sealed
  • Airtightness of the composite structure, airtight
  • No impact sound etc., soundproof
  • Very easy and fast assembly
  • No propellants or chemicals
  • Ready immediately without waste, easy to separate at demolition
  • Applicable for variable cavity widths, such as those encountered in prefab construction


Connections between components > 10 mm such as:
  • Closing hollow-core slab floors house-separating cavity walls
  • Closing roof elements at home separating cavity
  • Closing facade elements on hull
  • Other connections (e.g. window frames)
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Voor luchtdichte aansluitingen tussen bouwdelen in o.a. de woningscheidende spouw of kanaalplaat vloeren.

bij 100 Pa in m3/h.m
Classificatie Norm
25 mm spouw
0,0180,11Klasse 4NEN-EN 12207
40mm spouw
0,070,14Klasse 4NEN-EN 12207
60mm spouw
0,0240,16Klasse 4NEN-EN 12207

*Luchtdoorlatendheid: Klasse 4 - Verlies bij 100 Pa < 0,75 m³/h.m
Het volledige luchtdichtheidsrapport is op aanvraag beschikbaar.

De Air Stop is beschikbaar voor de volgende spouwbreedtes:
AfmetingSpouwbreedtes 20 - 80 mmSpouwbreedtes 20 - 60 mm
 qv;10 ≤ 0,40 dm³/s.m² -

Klasse 2 (NEN 2687)

qv;10 ≤ 0,15 dm³/s.m² -

Klasse 3 (NEN 2687)

1200 x 250 mm20 - 40 mm20 - 40 mm
 40 - 53 mm31 - 40 mm
 54 - 66 mm41 - 50 mm
 66 - 80 mm51 - 60 mm
1200 x 300 mm20 - 40 mm20 - 40 mm
 40 -53 mm31 - 40 mm
 54 - 66 mm41 - 50 mm
 66 - 80 mm51 - 60 mm
1.200 x 400 mm20 - 40 mm20 - 40 mm
 40 -53 mm31 - 40 mm
 54 - 66 mm41 - 50 mm
 66 - 80 mm51 - 60 mm

Voor luchtdichte aansluitingen van <20 mm, adviseren wij de AIRTIGHT Air Tape.

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