
With Alert products you no longer need tapes, straps, sealants and PUR foam!

Alert Isolation has undergone spectacular development in the field of airtightness in recent years. We have started to distinguish ourselves with patented applications that are characterized by excellent airtightness, which are demonstrably very durable and can be applied efficiently during the construction process. We have had test reports drawn up, which have shown that our solutions can be used to achieve airtight connections falling in SBR class 4.

This solves problems for prefab construction, among other things, where until recently, tapes, straps, sealants and PUR foam were used. Solutions that are known to be unsustainable or less sustainable, for which there is now an alternative. After conducting tests themselves, various large relations have received confirmation that these products do indeed result in airtight class 4 and they have been using them as standard ever since. The big advantage is a considerable saving on labor costs.
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